Categories: special news

Naeema-Tamanna, two successful military women pilots of Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, women are advancing in all fields starting from the highest power of the country. This time Naima-Tamanna went forward as two successful military women pilots of Bangladesh.


Like the progress of women around the world, Bangladesh also does not stop. Women of Bangladesh are also moving forward in all fields. From Prime Minister, Speaker, Leader of Opposition, women are ahead in all fields today. This is the first time that two women have successfully flown alone in the sky as military women pilots of the country. They are Bangladesh Air Force Flight Lieutenant Naima Haque and Flight Officer Tamanna-e-Lutfi.

It is known that these two military women pilots successfully flew two Bell-206 model helicopters in the sky on December 17. They successfully flew in the sky for 15 minutes and then landed again. Earlier on November 21, Tamanna-e-Lutfi successfully flew in the sky as a military woman pilot for the first time. Info: From

It is known that Naima Haque, a student of Holycross School and College, joined the Bangladesh Air Force in 2010. After receiving his commission in December 2011, he joined the operational wing of the Air Force. He is currently working as a Flight Lieutenant.

On the other hand, Tamanna-e-Lutfi was a student of BAF Shaheen School and College. He joined the Air Force in 2011. Received commission in December 2012. After getting the commission he also joined the operational wing. Currently he is working as a flying officer.

In their response to the media, both of them never thought that they would get the opportunity to become pilots even after joining the Air Force. This year they were selected for the basic conversion course on the Bell-206 helicopter. Now these two successful women military pilots are engaged as flying trainees under that squadron.

According to media sources, Naima Haque and Tamanna-e-Lutfi started helicopter flying training for the first time at Bangladesh Air Force Base Bir Shrestha Matiur Rahman's No. 18 Squadron on September 23 this year.

Naima Haque is the youngest of the three sons of M Nazmul Haque, a government official in the Department of Agriculture, and housewife Nasreen Begum. Dada was a member of the Royal Indian Air Force during the British rule. And seeing him is the beginning of this pilot's dream.

On the other hand, Tamanna-e-Lutfi's father is an Air Force officer himself. He is currently working in the engineering branch of the Air Force. Tamannaah grew up in the Air Force from childhood. Due to which Tamannaah has developed interest from a very young age. Tamannaah joined the Air Force mainly because of her father's encouragement.

Both of them told the media, 'From parents to his trainers, senior officers and colleagues in the Air Force, he has always got the support of everyone on his path to success. And so they are both grateful to everyone.

When asked about the next plan, Naima Haque told the media that the main task is to finish this training first. Then he will work wherever he is sent to fulfill his professional duties as per the needs of the country.

On the other hand, Tamanna expressed her desire to the media and said, 'I want to fly as one of Bangladesh in the United Nations Peace Mission.'

It should be noted that several women pilots of Bangladesh have already received permission to fly civil aircraft. In 1977, Syeda Kaniz Fatema Roksana was allowed to fly as the first woman pilot in Bangladesh. But in 1984, pilot Kaniz Fatema Roksana and 45 passengers and four crew of that plane lost their lives in an accident while landing a Fokker plane in Dhaka.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৩১, ২০১৪ 1:31 pm

Staff reporter

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