The Dhaka Times
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Cox's Bazar and Kuakata ready for thirty-fast night

The Dhaka Times Desk And shortly after, the festivities of the Thirty-Fast Night will begin. Preparations for this are going on across the country. Meanwhile, preparations for the Thirty Fast Night celebrations have been completed in Cox's Bazar and Kuakata, two major tourist spots. Thousands of tourists are staying there.

Cox and Kuakata
Cox's Bazar beach

Thousands of tourists are currently staying at Kuakata, the place where sunrise and sunset can be seen. They bid farewell to the last sun to wipe away the gloom of the old year and welcome the rising sun of the New Year 2015 to the beach.

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Kuakata Beach

get off It is like organizing a festival. Thousands of people appeared on the beach. Waiting there to welcome the new year. The arrivals are hoping that the arrival of a new beautiful world will erase the gloom of the whole year.

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Last sunset photo of 2014 at Kuakata beach

Meanwhile, thousands of tourists have appeared in Cox's Bazar, the largest beach. Thousands of tourists have already appeared in this winter season. Now everyone has come to welcome the new sun of the new year. Cox's Bazar is full of hotels and motels. Such busyness has been going on for the past few days. But by the end of the year, this crowd has become unbridled. Various events are organized to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new year. All preparations have been completed for Cox's Bazar beach. The local administration is active to ensure the safety of all tourists. Special security measures have been taken. However, there is a strict surveillance of the administration to ensure that no one can commit any incivility while announcing the arrival of the new year. Special attention has been paid to ensure that everyone can welcome the New Year peacefully.

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Last sunset photo of Cox's Bazar beach in 2014

Meanwhile, various events have been organized to welcome the new year all over the country including the capital Dhaka. The administration is ready to provide security so that no untoward incident happens anywhere. It is wished that the new year brings endless happiness in everyone's life. Happy new year to all readers, patrons and well wishers of The Dhaka Times.

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