Categories: international news

Is Imran Khan secretly married?

The Dhaka Times Desk Imran Khan Jemima Goldsmith's relationship ended long ago. But recently there is another rumor that Imran Khan is secretly married.

Imran Khan secretly marriedImran Khan secretly married

After many stories, Imran Khan's relationship with Jemima Goldsmith broke even about 10 years ago. After Jemima, there is someone new in Imran Khan's life. Rumors are rife that a new woman has entered the heart of the Pakistani legend. It is heard again that they have secretly married last week.

Indian and British media have also published news about this. According to reports, 62-year-old Imran's wife Reham Khan is currently a news reader of a private channel in Pakistan. He was once a BBC weatherman. 41-year-old Reham was married to a doctor. But later they got separated. Reham, a mother of three children, is Pakistani by birth but has been in England for several years due to marriage.

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There is still confusion about how much of the story is true. However, on December 27, Farhat Javed Rabbani, a popular Pakistani news reader, tweeted that "a politician married a presenter today". Imran's ex-wife Jemima also said last October, "Since Imran expressed his desire to marry again, he is going to decide to change the surname 'Khan' and go back to his old identity."

However, no matter what happens, there is a whisper going on in all circles of Pakistan regarding the issue of Imran Khan. Because this former cricketer is currently playing an important role in the politics of Pakistan. And so it is natural that the issues of his ups and downs as a politician will have a great impact on the society.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১, ২০১৫ 8:23 pm

Staff reporter

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