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'Gunaighar Baitul Azgar Seven Dome Jame Masjid'

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, January 2, 2015 Christ, 19 Paush 1421 Bangabd, 10 Rabiul Awal 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Asghar seven-domed mosque

The photo is of Devidwar's heritage 'Gunaighar Baitul Azgar Seven Dome Jame Masjid'. It is claimed as one of the famous mosques of the country in terms of construction style.

This 'Gunaighar Baitul Azgar Sat Gambooz Jame Masjid' is located in the village of Gunaighar, two kilometers west and a little south of Devidwar Sadar, in the north-west corner of the Comilla-Sylhet highway from the Comilla district headquarters.

The seven-domed mosque, with its exceptional architectural style and its numerous calligraphy paintings, is attracting nationwide attention. The special feature of this air-conditioned mosque is the calligraphy and its construction technique. There are four minarets at the four corners of the mosque. It is believed to be the first four-minar mosque in Bangladesh.

The height of the minarets of the mosque is 80 feet. It has 7 domes. The mosque is 48 feet long and 36 feet wide. Hundreds of Muslims can pray in the main part of this mosque. Apart from this, Muslims can pray twice as much as the main part of the mosque's balcony, i.e. the front tiled empty space.

There is lighting on top of this mosque. Electric lamps of different colors have been used in it. The word 'Allahu' written in the mosque glows like a star in the darkness of the night. This light can be seen from far away. On the west side of the mosque is a spectacular fruit and flower garden. There is also a huge reservoir. It is surrounded by white stone.

This mosque was built by Engineer Manjurul Ahsan Munshi, former Member of Parliament of Devidwar. 1 crore 60 lakh rupees were spent to make it. The names of the financiers are inscribed on stone tablets. The foundation stone of the mosque was laid on July 10, 2002 by former MP Alhaj Engineer Manjurul Ahsan Munshi, the founder of the mosque. 28 workers worked continuously and completed the construction of this mosque in about two and a half years. On January 14, 2005, the mosque was inaugurated by the then Minister of Health and Family Planning with about a hundred Muslims offering prayers. Khandkar Mosharraf Hossain.

Source: Courtesy of

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