The Dhaka Times
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Now the digital machine will recognize the car is legal or illegal!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are thousands of cars running on the road and it takes a lot of time to stop the car and see its documents to understand which one is legal and which one is illegal. But this time in a very short time the digital machine will recognize the car is legal or illegal!

car digital machine

Earlier, to know the validity of the car, it was necessary to stop the car and check the documents and waste a lot of time. But now there will be no need for him. Now digital machine will do that job to traffic police in very little time. And the name of this machine is 'traffic post divider'.

DMP Commissioner Benazir Ahmed handed over this digital machine to the sergeants at Gulistan intersection of the capital last Thursday afternoon.

DMP Commissioner Benazir Ahmed said at that time, 'As a result of this machine, the harassment of car owners, drivers and traffic sergeants will be reduced. In a very short time the sergeants will be able to identify the vehicle's legitimacy.'

The DMP Commissioner also said, 'Not only legal and illegal, as a result of this machine traffic sergeants will be able to easily know whether there was any previous case in the name of the arrested vehicle or not. Moreover, the case paper will be printed out automatically in a very short time.'

Note that it has been informed that initially 500 traffic post divider machines will be given to sergeants. These devices are brought from China. This traffic post divider initiative was taken up in 2012.

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