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30 bodies recovered from the crashed Air Asia plane

The Dhaka Times Desk 30 bodies have been recovered from the crashed Air Asia plane, Indonesian rescue workers said on Friday.

Air Asia 30 bodies were recovered

The bodies of 30 passengers of Air Asia flight QZ8501 that crashed in the Java Sea have been recovered yesterday Friday. Indonesian rescue workers confirmed the news to the BBC.

Body Recovered from AirAsia Flight QZ8501

Rescue workers said that despite extensive searches, no one on board the plane has been found alive, but 30 bodies have been recovered. Specialized equipment has been sent to search for the wreckage and black box of the Airbus A320-200. However, it has been reported that they cannot be used due to strong waves in the sea. The wreckage is believed to be still in the shallows. Experts believe that the actual cause of the destruction of the plane will be known if the wreckage and especially the black box is recovered.

Air Asia 30 bodies were recovered-2

It should be noted that the A320-200 Airbus of Malaysia-based Air Asia flight QZ8501 left for Singapore from Surabaya Airport in Indonesia at 5.35 am last Sunday. En route, the aircraft was last contacted at 6.17 minutes over the Java Sea. Then contact with the aircraft was completely lost. The plane had 162 passengers.

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