The Dhaka Times
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Throwing a shoe to the Chief Minister of India!

The Dhaka Times Desk Throwing a shoe at a Chief Minister of India. The shoe throwing incident took place during a program called Weekly Janata Darbar yesterday on Monday.

chief minister

According to media sources, a young man threw a shoe at Bihar Chief Minister Jitanram Majhi during a program called Weekly Janata Darbar on Monday. However, the police arrested the young man.

In a weekly program called 'Janata Darbar', Bihar Chief Minister Jitanram Majhi directly talks about various issues. During the ceremony on Monday, the chaparas present there threw sandals at a young Chief Minister of the area. But he was not injured as the sandal missed its target. Immediately after this incident, the policemen present there arrested the young man. The young man started shouting that 'Janatar Darbar' is nothing but farce. The young man continued to say, 'I have been coming to Janata Durbar for the past two years. But nothing happens here.' Immediately after the incident, the police dragged him to the car. References:

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