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Germany in turmoil: Pro-opposition protests over 'Islamization' debate

The Dhaka Times Desk Germany is in turmoil. The reason for this is that the pro-opposition protests over the 'Islamization' debate are now in full swing.

Turmoil in Germany

According to media reports, Germany has become heated in a debate. And the name of this debate is 'Islamisation'. Many in Germany complain that the West, including Germany and Europe, is being "Islamized" through immigration. And this is how the number of Muslims is increasing.

Turmoil in Germany-2

Protests against this so-called 'Islamization' started in October last year and are still going on. The movement 'Patriotic Europeans Against Islamization of the West', abbreviated as 'Pegida', started a few weeks ago in Germany.

This PEGIDA movement started in the city of Dresden. The main aim of this movement is to prevent the increase in the number of Muslims in Western countries.

On the other hand, another liberal group is playing an active role in Germany opposing the PEGIDA movement. Stars from the world of sports and entertainment, including the former chancellor of Germany, have joined the group. In their opinion, Germany can never throw out immigrants and migrants. Taking a stance against 'fear of foreigners', they say there needs to be moral support and tolerance for multiculturalism.

It is to be noted that the Pegida movement started on a small scale from October, but it has taken a big form since yesterday Tuesday. About 18,000 people demonstrated in the streets of Dresden on behalf of PEGIDA yesterday. The protestors rallied demanding the government to tighten immigration laws and stop Islamic activities. On the other hand, there were protests in most cities of Germany, including Berlin, Dresden and Stuttgart, despite the opposition to the Pegida rally. Those protests rejected PEGIDA's demands and called for compassion towards migrants. Even 80 famous German people have expressed their opinion in the famous 'Bild' newspaper, taking a stand against Pegida.

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