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The new 'super phone' is coming to the market: 320 GB in a smartphone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology is advancing day by day. Thanks to modern technology, people can enjoy various facilities. With the advancement of technology, 320 GB can now be used in smartphones.


According to news media, Segus, a little-known technology manufacturer in the United States, showed a surprise at the Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas. Leaving behind the famous smartphone manufacturers in the market, Segas has released a high-end smartphone in the market that has storage facilities up to 320 GB.


It is known that the name of this smartphone made by Segus is 'V Square'. The Android-based smartphone has an onboard memory of 64 GB. And this mobile supports two microSD cards of 128 GB. This smartphone has a 5-inch Full HD resolution display and is powered by a 2.5 GHz quad-core Qualcomm processor. There is also 3 GB RAM facility. The smartphone has a 21 megapixel rear camera and a 13 megapixel front camera. The battery of the smartphone will be 3 thousand 100 mAh. So many advantages in smartphones. Although many feel surprised, the story is actually true.


The media also said that the special features of this smartphone include 600 GHz Wi-Fi band support and Harman Kardon speakers at the front. The smartphone also has a special power-saving chip. Which can reduce battery consumption by up to 50 percent. Other features include fingerprint sensor, wireless charging and near field communication facility.

There has already been a huge buzz in the IT world about this smartphone made by Segus. And so this phone is called 'Super Phone'. It is known that the design of this phone will be able to satisfy the buyer. The reason is that the same Kevlar coating that is used to make bulletproof clothing is also used to make the back structure of the phone. Again this smartphone is waterproof.

It is known that Segus will launch the 'V-Square' smartphone in the US market within this year. This 'V Square' smartphone will be sold at a price of at least 100 US dollars less than the price of the average high-end smartphone in the market.
