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A patient in a coma woke up to the smell of money!

The Dhaka Times Desk A patient in a coma woke up to the smell of money! A shocking incident happened recently in a hospital in Shenzhen, China.

coma patient & Money Smela

A patient in a hospital in Shenzhen, China, was in a coma in bed for a year. Hundreds of treatments were done throughout the year to wake him up but it didn't work. Finally, the patient regained consciousness due to the smell of money.

The patient named Xiao Li sat in a cyber cafe and made various business plans before going into a coma. He was researching for about a week. During this one week he spends completely sleepless. In such a situation, he went into a coma in August 2013.

Since then, Xiao Li has been in a coma for over a year in a hospital in Shenzhen, China. Lee wanted to make a lot of money. A nurse at the hospital found out and held some bank notes to the comatose Lee's nose. And that's the job; Lee woke up.

Hospital doctor Liu Tang told the media, 'We ask Li's family if Li has any weakness for certain things. We heard Lee was crazy about money.

So just as a test, a 100 yuan note was held up to his nose, and that worked. Li's finger twitched at the smell of money. As if Lee was trying to take the note. Then Lee's eyelids began to tremble. But it will take a long time for Lee to fully recover.

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