Categories: special news

Second phase of Vishwa Ijtema begins at Turag Bank of Tongir

The Dhaka Times Desk The second phase of World Ijtema has started today at the Turag shores of Tongir. Security has been beefed up around Turag Beach.

The second phase of World Ijtema has started today at the Turag shores of Tongir. After the Fajr prayer in the morning, the Ijtema program begins with Am Bayan. The prayer of the 1st phase of Izmera, which started last Friday, was held on Sunday. The last day of today's second phase will be the final prayer on Sunday.

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This World Ijtema of Tabligh Jamaat is said to be the second largest gathering in the Muslim world. Millions of Muslims from different countries of the world gather here. Islam is narrated in Bengali, Urdu, Persian, Hindi languages. Faith, Aqeedah and the way to walk according to Islamic Shariah is explained through these statements.

Earlier this world ijtema was done for three days every year. But as it is difficult to handle the crowd, it is currently being divided into two parts.

Security measures have been taken at several levels by law enforcement agencies around the world community. Arrangements have been made so that everyone can come here peacefully. The gathering has started since yesterday. Millions of people will gather for Friday prayers today. A huge gathering of people from nearby areas has started since morning to participate in this Friday prayer.

Meanwhile, due to the blockade across the country, Muslims have to face a lot of problems to come to Ijtema. Still millions of people gather in this event every year.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৫, ২০১৫ 8:26 pm

Staff reporter

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