Android users are at risk!

The Dhaka Times Desk Android users are at serious risk. The risk comes as it plans to release no more security updates for older versions of Android.

According to media reports, the use of Android phones has increased manifold these days. Its use is gradually increasing due to all modern facilities. But according to media reports, these Android users are being put at a serious security risk. The reason for this is that Google is planning not to release any more security updates for older versions of Android.

The company has stopped developing security updates for older versions of Android OS, according to a BBC report. That is why this security risk is being raised. It is expected to affect more than 60 percent of Android users, especially those using Android Jelly Bean, 4.3 or older versions. But this Android security issue is 'great news for cybercriminals'.

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It has been said in the media, Todd Beardsley, a researcher of the cyber security company Rapid7, Joe Venix and another researcher named Rafi Bloch, together informed the Google authorities about the security flaw in a part called WebView used to display webpages on Android. Instead of updating with new patches, Google says that now they will only work to fix security flaws in KitKat 4.4 and Lollipop 5.0.

According to the news media, in a blog post, Beardley said, 'Google has said that if researchers can release security updates for older versions of Android, Google will no longer do so. Google said that Google's Android partners will also be informed about the matter. That's why experts believe that more than 93 million Android users will be in danger without getting this security update from Google. Multimedia Player will continue to be updated even if the older version does not receive security updates. But Google will be vigilant in terms of application policies - that is known.

However, nothing has been officially announced about this policy change by Google. Again no Google official opened his mouth.

This post was last modified on জুন ১২, ২০২৩ 4:59 pm

Staff reporter

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