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While crossing the check post with a suitcase full of wife...!

The Dhaka Times Desk A man passed the check post with his wife in a suitcase! A man named Bogden was allowed to stay in Britain but his Moldovan wife was denied entry.

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'Bogden Croytor and his wife should be allowed to stay in Britain.' 30-year-old Bogden Kroitor of Latvia has been making this request to the administration and courts for several years.

But despite thousands of appeals, the court made it clear that while Bogdan was allowed to stay in Britain, his Moldovan wife would not be allowed in, media reports said. After that, Bogden's wife tried to enter Britain twice, but was stopped each time.

Bogden did not want to accept that his wife would be in one place, and he would be in another. One of Bogdan Kroitor's sayings is to keep his wife close to him. So he decided, when the straight path is not possible, if necessary, he has to bend his finger a little to bring his wife to Britain.

So Bogdan Kroitor came up with a plan to get his wife. He hid his wife in a suitcase, thinking he might be checked before entering Britain by car. He left for Britain. Thus Bogden was not caught even after checking at several checkpoints.

Bogden was very happy after going like this. He can keep his wife to himself from now on. Bogden lost himself in this joy. But Bogden was not saved! He went to a check post and got caught. On opening the suitcase, a whole person was seen sitting inside. Bogden was immediately arrested. According to the law, Bogden has to serve 14 months in jail. If you do illegal work, you can now feel Bogden Kroitor!

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