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56 IS members ordered to beheaded!

The Dhaka Times Desk Baghdadi ordered the beheading of 56 IS members. Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) chief Baghdadi gave the order.

56 ISO member

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) organization, has ordered the beheading of 56 members of the Islamic State (IS). The 56 IS members were defeated by members of the country's Kurdish special forces Peshmerga in a battle in northern Iraq. They were then ordered to be beheaded as a death sentence, said a Kurdish leader.

Saeed Mamozini, the leader of the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP), told the media, "The head of the organization, Baghdadi, ordered the beheading of IS militants after they were defeated in Khobar, the capital of Ibril province. 300 IS fighters were killed in the battle of Ibril. They will be beheaded in al-Namrud, east of Mosul, the IS stronghold in Iraq, according to various Middle East media.

It should be noted that the Iraqi army and Kurdish forces are waging war against IS militants with the help of US-led international forces. This international terrorist organization IS has occupied large areas of Iraq and Syria for the purpose of establishing a caliphate. IS mainly follows strict Islamic ideology and Sharia law.

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