Categories: Science-invention

700-year-old death mystery revealed in the autopsy of the mummy!

The Dhaka Times Desk The mummy's autopsy revealed a 700-year-old death mystery. Scientists found the necessary clues while researching the mummy.

According to media reports, a 700-year-old death mystery is finally going to be revealed in the middle of the autopsy of a dead body that has turned into a mummy. Meanwhile, scientists also found the necessary clues while researching the mummy.

Historians say that the incident of 1329. The 38-year-old ruler of Verona, Italy, Congrad della Scala, suddenly fell ill and died. He also took control of the city of Treviso shortly before his death.

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Historically, written records of the time indicated fever and stomach ailments as the cause of sudden death. But a recent issue of an archaeological journal attributed Scala's death to poisoning. However, the rumor that Scala was poisoned is a long-standing one.

In 2004, Scala's mummy was recovered from its stone-covered burial, according to media reports. The researchers have found all the surprising signs in the autopsy of the medieval ruler's mummy.

A publication first wrote about this sign in 2007. These signs included sleeping pills and some poisonous plants. It is assumed that these materials were inserted into Scala's body for the purpose of murder. The matter becomes clearer when it is revealed that Mastino II, Scala's heir, hanged one of Scala's physicians.

According to media reports, Congrad Della Scala, 5 feet 7 inches tall and with brown hair, also suffered from complex liver and lung disease. However, mummy research has come to the fore with the hypothesis of poisoning.

The head of the research team, Gino Fornia, told the media, "Even through wrong treatment, poisonous plant material can enter the body of the scala."

However, there is a difference of opinion that Mastino II, Scala's power-hungry nephew, was behind the murder. who allegedly hanged one of Scala's physicians to cover up his crime. References:

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৬, ২০১৫ 7:50 pm

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