The Dhaka Times
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Apurba's TV actor of this time is going to debut on the big screen!

The Dhaka Times Desk TV actor Apurba is going to debut on the big screen. The popular actor of this generation was waiting for a long time with the first film of his career 'Gangster Return'. His debut is going to happen with the release of the film on March 20.

Gangster returns

Apurba was waiting for a long time. To enter another phase of his acting career. He has acted in many TV dramas. But this is his first film. He is going to make his debut in it. After a long wait, the film is on the verge of release. Apoor's first career film 'Gangster Return' is going to release on March 20. Model Piya is opposite Apoor in this film. Produced by Asian TV.

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Apoorva responded to the media about the release of his first film 'Gangster Return' and said, 'I have worked on the film for a long time. Even after the completion of the work, it took many days to finish the ancillary work of the film. I am happy to know that the film is joining the release procession after overcoming all obstacles. The audience watched my performance on the TV screen. Now you will see it on the big screen. I am always confident in myself. Hopefully, the audience will accept me like the TV screen.'
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