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Facebook warns against 'nude' video uploads

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook is launching a warning system on nude video uploads. Facebook has introduced a new feature to warn viewers before launching topical videos.


Facebook thinks that someone uploads 'rogue' videos every now and then to embarrass people. Many people do such stupid things without realizing it. But this time, the world's top social media Facebook has launched a new feature to warn the audience before launching thematic videos. The videos may 'hurt, offend and upset' viewers - the warning states.

According to a report published in the media, Facebook is showing such warnings to users who are under 18 years of age, not only for videos, but also for pictures. In the new feature, these videos will not play automatically even when they come to the news feed, only when they are clicked.

Facebook authorities expect that when users share something on Facebook, they are sharing it with a sense of responsibility.

A Facebook spokesperson told the media, 'Uploaders are being asked to warn viewers about what is in the content they share. Still, when they get 'reports' of graphic content that is not suitable for minors or may hurt people's feelings, they add warnings to them.' The company's engineers continue to work on improving such processes.

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