The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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The national flower is disappearing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Our national flower is Shapla. However, this national flower of Bangladesh is disappearing from the Haor Bill and Doba of rural Bangladesh. Now you can't see the sight of a boy or girl on the side of the path of the village metho.

Flower Lily of being lost

Flower Lily of being lost

There was a time when such flowers could be seen in the villages of this country. At that time, the teenagers of the village used to pick flowers. This Shapla flower had a different value then. But now it is not seen like that. Now many ponds and ponds in the villages are getting filled and along with this Shapla flower is disappearing. Day by day the number of ponds or ponds is also decreasing as many crop lands are decreasing due to increase in population. And so our national flower Shapla is about to disappear.

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