The Dhaka Times
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Viber-Whats app launched: Websites are back to normal

The Dhaka Times Desk Viber-WhatsApp has been launched again. Due to which the websites have become normal again. Since they have been closed for the past one week, several technical problems including the website have arisen.


The government has launched 5 voice and messaging services for social media including Viber and Tango. These services were opened from 12 pm yesterday Wednesday.

According to the sources of several mobile phone companies, these services have been opened due to the absence of any new instructions from the government.

Viber and Tango, popular apps for talking and sending instant messages over the internet, were shut down last Sunday. In the first phase, Viber and Tango have been banned till Sunday night. The deadline was later extended to Wednesday midnight yesterday. A day after shutting down Viber and Tango, the government shut down three more voice and messaging services namely WhatsApp, MyPeople and Line on Monday.

Citing multiple sources in BTRC and law enforcement agencies, media reports said that leaders and activists of opposition political parties have recently been using Viber to communicate for free and to keep their location confidential. Even the necessary communication in sabotage is being done using Viber. Law enforcers have information in this regard.

In such a situation, law enforcement agencies seek the assistance of BTRC to shut down the two services. Later, on the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs, BTRC issued instructions in this regard to mobile phone companies and IGWs. Accordingly, Viber and Tango were temporarily suspended from Saturday night.

It should be noted that the users are expressing their anger on various online and social media including Facebook on this decision of BTRC. The news of Viber's shutdown in Bangladesh has already been heavily covered by international media including AFP, The Guardian and The Hindu.

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