The Dhaka Times
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Arifin Shubo and Nusrat Faria are pairing up

The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Arifin Shubo and Nusrat Faria are pairing up in the advertisement. While Arifin Shubo is currently busy on the big screen, Nusrat Farrier is yet to debut on the screen. Now the two are pairing up in an advertisement image.

Arefin Shuvo-Nusrat

Arifin Shubo is currently busy with acting on the big screen. But Nusrat Farrier is yet to make her screen debut. However, he got the opportunity to pair up with Shubo this time. They are modeling in an advertisement.

According to media sources, Riyad will produce a new advertisement for a biscuit. It is scheduled to be screened in Cox's Bazar from 26 to 28 January. If all is well, it will work like that.

After a long time, Arifin Shubo is also a model in two commercials. The other ad is Pran Up ad. It will be directed by Nafis.

It should be noted that nowadays the level of going from model to acting is more visible. However, the number of returners from the acting world to modeling is relatively low.

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