The Dhaka Times
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Manna's last film is being released after 7 years of death!

The Dhaka Times Desk After 7 years of his death, Manna's last film 'Leela Manthan' is going to be released. It is reported that the film will be released on March 26.

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The movie 'Leela Manthan' starring the popular actor Manna is going to release on March 26. The film starring Manna is going to be released almost 7 years after his death. This will be Manna's last release.

The film 'Leela Manthan' is jointly directed by Zahid Hossain and Khorshed Alam Khosru. Acted by Moushumi, Popi, Shahnoor, Dighi, Mukti, Anwara, Bapparaj, Aliraj, Shahidul Alam Sacchu, Misha Saudagar etc.

Director Khorshed Alam Khosru said, 'The shooting of the film started about 10 years ago. Due to some problems, the film has not seen the light of day. His part was finished while Manna was still alive.

Regarding the story of the film, Khorshed Alam also said, 'This film is based on the story of the liberation war. We have tried to present the real images of Bangladesh during the Liberation War. Hopefully, the new generation will be inspired by the patriotism after watching the film. It was decided to release the film in March, the month of independence, despite going through hundreds of ups and downs.

It should be noted that Manna, the actor who won the National Film Award in 2005, died of a heart attack on February 17, 2008 at the age of 44.

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