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ঢাকা মহানগরসহ ৯ জেলায় হরতাল: পেট্রোল বোমায় ট্রাকের হেলপার নিহত

The Dhaka Times Desk 20 parties led by BNP are on strike in 9 districts including Dhaka city. Meanwhile, a petrol bomb killed a truck helper on the Chandpur-Comilla highway.

Petrol bomb killed One truck helperPetrol bomb killed One truck helper

A helper of a truck was killed and the driver injured on the Chandpur-Comilla highway in petrol bomb attack by the blockaders. This shocking incident took place in Ghosherhat area of Chandpur-Comilla highway yesterday at 12 o'clock on Wednesday night. The identity of the slain helper was not immediately known.

Locals said that when the truck reached Ghosherhat area on the way to take tiles from Dhaka, the besiegers threw petrol bombs. This caused the truck and the helper to catch fire. The helper and the driver jumped to save their lives. At that time, the burnt helper died on the spot after being crushed by the wheels of the truck.

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Meanwhile, in addition to the indefinite blockade, the hartal that started at 6 am on Thursday will continue till evening in Dhaka, Tangail, Gazipur, Munshiganj, Narayanganj, Narsingdi, Mymensingh, Kishoreganj and Manikganj districts. On the other hand, this hartal, which started from 6 am on Thursday, will continue till 6 am on Friday.

However, even though a strike was called in the capital, the movement of public transport was almost normal. However, no long-distance bus was seen leaving. Train movement is normal.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০১৫ 10:02 am

Staff reporter

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