Categories: the economy

7500 crore loss in 25 days in transport sector due to strike-blockade!

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost all the economic sectors of the country are suffering heavy losses due to strike-blockade. 7500 crores loss in 25 days in transport sector alone due to strike-blockade.

The strike-blockade is causing huge losses in all sectors including the productive sector in the country. The daily average loss in the transport sector alone due to strike-blockade is Tk 300 crore. As a result, in the last 25 days, a loss of Tk 7,500 crore has been claimed by the Road Transport Owners Association. In this situation, the transport sector is going to fall into an extreme crisis. Concerns are gradually increasing among the owners and workers.

In such a situation, the back given is blocked. Therefore, the transport owners and workers have spoken about starting a movement to overcome the crisis. They say, 'Their backs are against the wall due to continuous siege. The owners and workers have a press conference and human chain program tomorrow Saturday at the National Press Club.

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The road transport owners and workers organizations say that the transport sector is suffering the most damage due to the continuous blockade and strike by the 20-party coalition including BNP-Jamaat. In the last 25 days, about 400 vehicles were set on fire and about 700 vehicles vandalized across the country. The transport sector is facing losses every day due to stoppage of vehicles due to fear of blockade-strike sabotage. In such a situation, the Road Transport Owners Association has announced a movement against the continuous blockade-hartal.

It is to be noted that at least 46 people have died in petrol bomb attacks, burning of vehicles and clashes during the indefinite blockade program of the 20-party alliance led by BNP across the country since January 6. At least 400 vehicles were burnt by the vandals' fire and petrol bombs. Besides, the transport owners association claimed that 700 vehicles were vandalized.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০১৫ 10:24 am

Staff reporter

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