The Dhaka Times
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Evening of a new animal!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to human research. The more the scientists are researching, the more mysteries are coming out. Again, many researchers are solving these mysteries through research. A new species of animal was discovered during a recent sea expedition.
সমুদ্রের তলদেশ-3

According to the news, Hollywood film director James Cameron dived deep into the Pacific Ocean last year. A new deep-sea species of sea cucumber was discovered from the video taken during that expedition.

According to Live Science magazine, during this expedition, the video footage of his camera captured several species of animals that have been overlooked by humans for a long time, which are being researched. Oceanography researchers at the University of California are now researching Cameron's 11-kilometer-deep Pacific Ocean video expedition.

I don't know how many more animal evenings we will get like this.

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