The Dhaka Times
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Pakistan denies fueling violence in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistan denies fueling violence in Bangladesh Islamabad has denied allegations that a Pakistani diplomat in Dhaka is involved in the ongoing political violence in Bangladesh.

Pakistan denies violence

Islamabad has denied allegations that a Pakistani diplomat in Dhaka is involved in the ongoing political violence in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh government ordered the Pakistani diplomat Mazhar Khan to leave Dhaka after accusing him of inciting the recent ongoing political violence. But Tasnim Aslam, spokesperson of Pakistan's Foreign Ministry, denied the allegations against the diplomat.

Referring to the new crisis between Bangladesh and Pakistan, Tasneem Aslam told Pakistani media Dawn that, 'The allegations leveled against him (Mazhar Khan) are baseless and this incident is unfortunate. This incident is detrimental to the relationship between the two countries. He also confirmed that Mazhar Khan has already reached Islamabad after leaving Dhaka.

It should be noted that the Dawn news, citing special sources, said that the High Commission of Pakistan located in Dhaka is not only under pressure, but also under the sharp observation of Bangladeshi intelligence forces. The High Commission has to answer for various issues. The report also mentioned that the relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan has reached the bottom.

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