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Hundreds of members of Boko Haram have been killed in Nigeria

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's army has killed more than a hundred members of Boko Haram in Nigeria. The country claimed they were killed in an anti-militancy operation conducted in the border town of Bosso on Friday.

Boko Haram in Nigeria

Nigeria's military has claimed that 109 members of the armed group Boko Haram have been killed. It was claimed that they were killed in an anti-militancy operation conducted in the border town of Bosso on Friday. It was reported in a news broadcast on the country's government television.

State television reported that four Nigerian soldiers were also killed while participating in the operation against Boko Haram.

It should be noted that this rebel group in Nigeria has been fighting for autonomy for a long time. Recently, Boko Haram has also started attacking neighboring countries.

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