The Dhaka Times
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Bangabandhu Gold Cup: Millions of bonus if you win today's final!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh is fighting today with Malaysia in the final of the Bangabandhu Gold Cup tournament. A bonus of crores of taka has been announced for winning today's final.

Final & bonus

Bangladesh team will face Malaysia in the final of Bangabandhu Gold Cup football today on Sunday. Bangladesh football team will get a bonus of one crore taka if they beat Malaysia today. Bangladesh Football Federation (BAFFE) president Kazi Salahuddin announced this bonus on Friday.

Final & bonus-2

Although the Bangladesh team started their journey by losing to Malaysia in the first match. The Bangladesh team is going to face Malaysia in the final on Sunday.

On the other hand, Manzoor Quader Chowdhury, the leader of Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club, has also announced a bonus of Tk 20 lakh for the players of the Bangladesh team.

It is to be noted that BAFF president Kazi Salahuddin announced to give a bonus of Tk 30 lakh to the players if they win the first match. But in that match Bangladesh team was defeated by Malaysia with 1-0 goal.

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