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Jennifer Lawrence is naked with a snake on her body!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is very difficult to understand what happens to world famous stars. Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Jennifer Lopez did such a thing. Jennifer Lawrence is naked with a snake on her body!

Jennifer Lawrence & snakes

According to media sources, this Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Jennifer Lopez posed for a nude picture with a Colombian red-tailed 'boa' python snake wrapped around her body. Vanity Fair magazine posted this photo on Instagram. This photo was taken in July 2014.

According to the news, Jessica Diehl took the picture in a house in Hollywood Hills. She told the media that the film is an amalgamation of Jennifer's strength, sexiness and tenderness. It will be published in the next month (March issue) of that magazine. In the photoshoot, 'Hunger Game' star Lawrence was not scared, but he was very relaxed.

Notably, pop singer Britney Spears posed in another similar picture. Moreover, in 1981, a model Kinski did a similar photo shoot for 'Vogue' magazine.

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