Categories: recipe

Recipe: Savory Carrot Semai

The Dhaka Times Desk Carrots are rich in nutrients. So today we have an item of carrot for you is a delicious carrot semai.


  • # carrot half kg
  • # sugar and a half cup
  • # milk 2 kg
  • # oil 2 tbsp
  • # ghee 4 tbsp
  • # cinnamon 4 pieces
  • # Cardamom 4
  • # Raisins 10/12 t
  • prepared method

    First, wash the carrots well. Grate or finely chop the carrots. Now in a pan add oil and 2 tbsp of ghee and fry the carrot pieces well on medium heat. Fry for 10/15 minutes. Then keep stirring with milk, sugar, cardamom, cinnamon on another hot stove. When it gets a little thick, add the fried carrots and stir with the remaining 2 tbsp of ghee. After cooking for a while on medium heat, arrange the raisins on top and serve the carrot semai.

    This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 3:15 pm

    Laila Haque

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