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Not Bulletproof Clothing – Fireproof Clothing is needed in Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk A bulletproof clothing store has opened in a Dutch city. But not bulletproof clothing - Bangladesh needs fireproof clothing.

Fire Proof clothing needs

It was recently reported that a bullet-proof clothing store has opened in a city in the Netherlands. But with the recent increase in the number of petrol bombs in Bangladesh, everyone said that Bangladesh needs a dress that cannot be harmed by petrol bombs. That is, fireproof clothing. There will be no fear of burning to death if you wear that dress while going to office or work.

It is said about bulletproof clothing in the Netherlands, customers can now not only buy fashionable vests from that store, they are also collecting suits, leather jackets, and even ties from there.

It said that the shop was also selling a Colombian brand of bulletproof clothes that looked like ordinary clothes. A company called Panamera is making these clothes. These bulletproof clothes are like a thin jean - which can be worn under a t-shirt.

Officials say that these clothes are released in the market for those who do not feel their life is very safe at work. With such news, the common people of Bangladesh are thinking about such clothes in the current political unstable situation of Bangladesh. Which can be bought at a low price and you can travel safely after going out.

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