Categories: the economy

Saudi visa will be available in 10 days: 10,000 workers will be able to go to Saudi for free every month

The Dhaka Times Desk The Saudi labor market is easing after the sanctions are lifted. Saudi visa will be available in just 10 days. It has been reported that 10,000 workers will be able to go to Saudi Arabia free of charge every month.

Expatriate Welfare Minister Engineer Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain said that 10,000 workers from Bangladesh can go to Saudi Arabia every month without any money. The Minister of Expatriate Welfare gave this information to the journalists on Monday morning after the meeting with the Saudi delegation to finalize the overall issues including the recruitment process and the determination of immigration costs. The meeting was held at Pravasi Kalyan Bhawan in Iskaton of the capital.

Expatriate Welfare Minister said, '10,000 workers from Bangladesh can go to Saudi Arabia every month for household work. They will not need any money for this. All their expenses will be borne by the respective Saudi companies. The monthly salary of the workers will be minimum 1200 Rials.

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The expatriate welfare minister also said, 'Initially, it is estimated that 15/20 thousand taka may be required for passport and medical expenses alone.'

Meanwhile, it has been reported that new work visas will be issued in Saudi Arabia in just 10 days. Earlier it used to take 90 days or more. Online Saudi Gazette reported this. It is said that Saudi Arabia's Labor Minister Adel Fakih has taken the decision to speed up the visa process. All labor offices in Saudi Arabia have already started implementing this order. As a result, under the new regulations of the Ministry, citizens, companies and various organizations can get visas for workers in a very short time.

It should be noted that the Saudi government opened the labor market for Bangladesh on February 1 after being closed for 7 years. For that reason, a delegation of 16 members of the Saudi government visited Bangladesh on Sunday. The delegation is led by Ahmed F. Alfahid, Deputy Minister of International Relations of the Saudi Ministry of Labour.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৯, ২০১৫ 7:34 pm

Staff reporter

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