The Dhaka Times Desk The dispute between the world powers has started again with Russia over the Ukraine issue. UK says Putin is behaving like a tyrant.
The dispute between the world powers has started again with Russia over the Ukraine issue. The UK has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of behaving like a 'tyrannical' ruler over Ukraine.
According to the Reuters news agency, British Foreign Minister Philip Hammond made such harsh comments about Putin while talking about the Ukraine crisis on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Hammond also rejected the claim that the UK's approach to the Ukraine-crisis solution is irrelevant. "Ukraine cannot defeat the Russian army, it is not a realistic position," he told Sky News. And so there must be a political solution.'
Criticizing the role of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the UK Foreign Minister added, 'This man (Putin) has sent troops to international borders. By occupying the territory of another country in this 21st century, he is behaving like a tyrannical ruler of the 20th century. No civilized nation behaves like that.'
It should be noted that Russia has always denied Western countries and Ukraine's accusations of supporting pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently issued a stern warning to the United States and its Western allies not to interfere in Ukraine's internal affairs.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৯, ২০১৫ 8:26 pm
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