Categories: health talk

Know the properties of pepper

The Dhaka Times Desk Pepper is a very small thing but it has many qualities. We use pepper as a spice in cooking. But the benefits of this pepper are much more than other spices. Pepper is called 'King of Spice' for its benefits.

Pepper seems to be a very small thing but its qualities are immense. Today we will discuss the qualities of this pepper. So let's know about the properties of pepper.


Pepper is anti-cancer

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Peppers contain antioxidants and vitamin-D and vitamin-C. Which helps to prevent Breast Cancer. It contains high levels of keratin which inhibits the formation of tumors in body tissues.

Prevents skin and colon cancer. Using a teaspoon of chili powder in daily cooking can protect you from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the day. It prevents skin cancer, colon cancer.

Digestive Aids:

Pepper has incredible ability to digest food. Pepper contains hydrochloric acid. Which is very beneficial in digestion of food in the stomach. Chilli acts as an anti-indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, acidity.

Chilli for weight loss:

Consuming chillies leads to adequate perspiration and urination. Which is very helpful in reducing body weight.

If you use pepper powder in daily food to reduce gas, gas problem and pain will be less.

Chilli to reduce dandruff:

Chilli is very useful to reduce dandruff. Mix a cup of sour curd with a tablespoon of chilli powder and apply it on the roots of the hair. After half an hour, wash your head thoroughly. Do not shampoo. Shampoo the head the next day.

Boiling water with ginger and chili powder to relieve nasal congestion and cough relieves cold.

Chili in dental care:

Consuming chillies makes the gums hard and removes bad breath.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২০ 2:41 pm

Bipasha Rahman

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