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Today is the grand opening of World Cup cricket

The Dhaka Times Desk The grand opening of World Cup cricket is happening today. The two co-hosts, Australia and New Zealand, have completed all preparations for organizing this grand event of cricket with a grand ceremony.

World Cup 2015-(2)

The 11th ICC Cricket World Cup is going up today. The two co-hosts, Australia and New Zealand, have completed all preparations for organizing this great festival of cricket through a colorful program. 23 years ago today in 1992, the fifth edition of ODI cricket was also held in these two countries.

The 14 participating teams and countless cricket fans are eagerly waiting to watch the opening ceremony of the World Cup. Melbourne, Australia and Christchurch, New Zealand will be paired through today's opening ceremony before the World Cup fight takes place. Organizers are all geared up to present a mesmerizing opening ceremony.

In the opening ceremony, there are many kinds of arrangements including dance-singing, fireworks. Regarding the opening ceremony, the Minister of Tourism and Major Events of the State of Victoria, John Eren, said, 'The ICC Cricket World Cup is returning to Australia after 23 years. And so Melbourne is truly honored to be hosting the opening ceremony of the tournament.'

Not only Melbourne but billions of viewers around the world are waiting for World Cup cricket. There are 14 countries as well as other cricket loving countries who are coming to enjoy World Cup cricket. Meanwhile, the audience of Bangladesh is not far behind. Apart from TV, preparations have been made to watch the opening ceremony and games of the World Cup on big screens in various clubs and stadiums. Now just wait….

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