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Historic Shahi Mosque of Chatmohar in Pabna

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 13 February 2015 AD, 1 Falgun 1421 BENGABD, 23 Rabius Sani 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

The picture you are looking at is the historical Shahi Masjid of Chatmohar. It is a witness to the historical monuments of our country.

At one time the name 'Chatmohar' was given because it was sold by placing a seal on the mat. History bears witness that Chatmohar, one of the main trading centers of Pabna district, was once a free roaming ground of Mughal-Pathans.

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At that time, in 1581 AD, a five-thousand general of Emperor Akbar named Masum Khan Kabli built a mosque. This is today's Chatmohar Shahi Mosque. It is still referred to as Masum Khan Kabli Masjid in the literature.

Inside this mosque, the length is 34 cubits, the width is 15 cubits, and the height is about 30 cubits. The mosque is built with red Jafari bricks inlaid with small thin designs. The wall of the mosque is 4 and a half cubits wide. In front of the three-domed mosque, a block of black stone inscribed with Kalema Tayyaba on Idara is still embedded. This mosque was acquired by the Department of Antiquities in 1904 on the eve of its near destruction. The mosque has been renovated several times from the directorate keeping the original structure. Today the mosque has regained much of its past beauty.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৫ 7:41 pm

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