The Dhaka Times
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Mobile app to prevent movie piracy

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Andhra Pradesh Film Chamber of Commerce has developed a mobile app to prevent film piracy. Through the app named 'Indian Movie Cop' or IMC, one can also complain to authorities to prevent piracy along with trailer, synopsis, theater schedule of favorite films. The app has the facility to report complaints in eight Indian languages. Bangladesh also has such problems.
Movie Cop

It is known that about 14.5 billion rupees are invested in the Indian film industry every year. But due to video piracy, 14 percent of the total profit is lost. The app has been created to get rid of this.

Filmmaker Dagubati Rama Naidu said, 'Our film industry has been fighting piracy for many years. The application is expected to play a positive role in the long term. 'Indian Movie Cop' app can be downloaded for free from the Mac App Store.'

Bangladesh also has such problems. Many people think that people related to Bangladeshi films will also pay attention to the matter.

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