Categories: special news

'If you can't get off, stop, and if you can't stop, get off'

The Dhaka Times Desk The language movement of twenty-two, the mass uprising of the nineties, the freedom struggle of the seventies and the mass uprising of the nineties have all passed this time. Today there is such a situation in the country that cars are constantly burning, people are dying, but how many more days? The question of 16 crore people is 'stop if you can't get off, and if you can't stop get off'.

not terrorismnot terrorism

Movement will be a normal rule in a democratic country. We saw the anti-Ershad movement in the nineties. But at that time people were involved in every movement. But what are we seeing in today's movement? People are being burnt to death by petrol bombs one after another. Hundreds of cars of the country are being destroyed by burning. The education system of young children has collapsed today.

Today the situation in the country is such that the program of 20 parties is going on continuous blockade-hartal. Every citizen of the country has the right to protest. But the politics of burning someone can never be acceptable.

Meanwhile, the government says that all controls are being worked on. But in reality, sneak attacks in the dark of night are happening every day. Someone is burning. How long will this situation last? 20 parties want the government to negotiate and settle. And the government says that there can be no talks with terrorists. People are dying in the middle. Today, the question of 16 crore people of the country is how long will the country continue like this? How many days risking life to get out of the house? When will the people be clear? Neither the government nor the activists can answer this question.

I want to code a TV statement here today, 'If you can't get off, stop, and if you can't stop, get off.'
Today, the speech of every person in the country is the same.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৩, ২০১৫ 10:53 pm

Staff reporter

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