The Dhaka Times
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TV actress Bandhan wants to act in films

The Dhaka Times Desk Luxstar and TV actress Bandhan wants to act in films. This popular actress of today has suddenly shown interest in acting on the big screen from the small screen.

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Laxstara Today's popular actress Ajmeri Haque Bandhan has expressed her interest in acting from small screen to big screen. Recently he expressed such attitude to the media.

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Bandhan said, after acting in the film 'Nijhum Aranya', it was not possible to work in any other film. I was mainly busy with my family. Now I am thinking about acting again on the big screen. The present-day actress also said that she has no objection to act in commercial films if she likes the character.

It should be noted that the serial drama 'Dalchut Prajapati' starring Bandhan is being aired regularly on NTV. This serial is directed by Arif Khan. Also, several serial dramas starring Bandhan are also being aired on various TV channels. Asian TV's 'Life Story', 'Dah', 'Ghomta' etc.

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