The Dhaka Times Desk From now on correction of errors in National Identity Card can be done online. Moreover, you can now register as a new voter and update your information as an old voter online.
Sources of the Election Commission said that from February 25, the Election Commission is providing an opportunity to correct errors in the National ID Card online. Until now, it was very complicated to correct them.
Election Commission Secretary Sirajul Islam said in this regard that this opportunity will be kept initially for the next two months. Citizens can correct the necessary information before receiving the smart card.
It has been informed that online National ID card holders can correct almost all necessary information including name spelling, address, signature, photo. In this case, fill the application form through a specific process online and submit it to the concerned police station or upazila election officer along with the evidence.
Click on this link to avail these benefits online. or Go directly to the website of the Election Commission.
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৪, ২০১৬ 4:03 pm
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