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Swine flu is spreading like an epidemic in India: death toll is 840

The Dhaka Times Desk Swine flu is spreading like an epidemic in India. So far the death toll has stood at 840. More than 14,500 people have been affected.

swine flu outbreak in India

Swine flu is spreading in epidemic form in India. The death toll from swine flu has risen to 840 so far. More than 14,500 people have been affected. Among the states, the situation is worse in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

On Tuesday, India's health minister said in a statement in both houses of parliament that the H1N1 virus, which killed nearly 1700 people in 2010, has attacked again this year.

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In a statement given to the Parliament, the Health Minister said, 'In the last two months, about 850 people across the country have died of viral influenza, which is type A virus.'

According to the media, the H1N1 or swine flu virus in common language spreads the most at this time of the year, taking the form of a pandemic. However, the World Health Organization has said that it is closely monitoring the outbreak of swine flu, which has not yet reached a pandemic level.

The country's government, however, claims that every state has enough of the swine flu drug Tamiflu. But there have been complaints from various states including West Bengal that swine flu drug Tamiflu is not available in all shops. On the other hand, the number of deaths due to swine flu is highest in Rajasthan and Gujarat, but the number of cases of swine flu is also increasing in West Bengal.

Due to the increasing number of cases of swine flu in neighboring countries, especially West Bengal, experts feel that precautionary measures should be taken in Bangladesh as well.

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