Categories: Education and culture

If the education system is right, the quality of education is also right

The Dhaka Times Desk It is normal for the education minister and the government to justify themselves with the quality or method of education. There is no room to expect the education minister to speak like an educated person. An educated person and a wise person are not the same thing. It is a blessing if a wise person is entrusted with the education of a whole nation. Written by Shafi Ahmed.

I will try to draw your attention to one part about education system and quality of education. Whether or not to pay attention is entirely your personal matter. But from here it is possible to get a glimpse of the imperfection of the quality of education. Those of us who passed H.S.C. in 2014. A fact may be unknown to many of them. In your time H.Sc. There was no subject called Information and Communication Technology. Maybe it wasn't necessary. Now the matter is needed. Really need it. Let me highlight two points why it is necessary.

The country should move forward in keeping with the world. Now information and communication technology is closely related to our life. I think book knowledge of physics, chemistry, geography, philosophy, finance etc. has more influence in our daily life than mobile, internet, television, computer etc. Many people know that train tickets are now online system. If you ever go to the train ticket counter, you will see how efficient our brothers and sisters are to print tickets on the computer! How fast government bank old employees can work on computer. If you are a little computer savvy yourself, you will understand how weak they are. We have to apply online for many government and private jobs. It is very funny to see that the boys and girls who have passed the matriculation run to the computer operator's shop despite having an internet computer at hand. Signboards are hung in those shops, "Job application form filled for only 30/40/50 taka". I have seen many people who are using Facebook, but don't know what is browser, what is URL/Link. Despite having a computer, they do not know what the operating system is, what the utility software is. More examples can be given. But there is no need to give examples. We all know more or less how accustomed I am to new technology. But we are learning about hope very quickly. These lesser known people cannot be blamed at all. Because this information and communication technology has spread widely in Bangladesh in the last 10-15 years. I remember very well around 2001/2002, not everyone had a mobile phone. Internet came even later (although the first internet usage started in Bangladesh in 1996, but it was not so readily available). Computers were not that cheap either. We are adopting information and communication technology very rapidly and I would say we are doing it successfully. Bangladesh is moving towards incredible success in the field of information and communication technology. (Areas of success may be discussed one day). For further success we need a new generation skilled in information and communication technology. And for this H.Sc. The need for information and communication technology cannot be denied. And from this requirement, this subject has been made compulsory for students of all departments of science, humanities, business. That's okay too. Only science students should not be proficient in this field.

The role seems a little too much. Now let's see where the problem is.

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After about a year and a half, the subject was added to the higher secondary level. But there is no teacher of this subject in colleges. While some private colleges have teachers, none of the government colleges have any teachers for the subject. Why am I saying, "There is no teacher of the subject even in a government college" because we may know that to become a teacher in a government college, B.C.S. Cadre (Education) has to be. But B.C.S. There is no post for this subject in education cadre. So how is teaching in colleges? How will the candidates of 2015 take this exam? A government college I know of (not naming) has had no significant class on this subject till date. Not properly practical classes. So how will these students pass the 2015 exam? Will you get an A+ again?

Pass or A+, I am not allergic to it. Because many have found sir on their own initiative. Who is studying with his elder brother, who is studying with uncles, who are graduates in Information and Communication Technology or Computer Science. Again, in some places, masters of different subjects are getting beautiful traps. Physics, Chemistry, Math and even Bengali English teachers are teaching this subject privately. Unknowingly, students are also stepping into the trap. Still, somewhere or the other, teaching of this subject is going on. So many students will pass, get A+.

But the government and the Ministry of Education should not shed light on this issue? Shouldn't these students refrain from completely imposing the responsibility of a subject? Shouldn't it, even if there were no teachers in the beginning, the 35th B.C.S. To create a post in the education cadre for this matter? No, they didn't. However, is it thought that some sirs of any other subject will be made scholars in the field of information and communication technology with 1/2 month training? If that is the case, then it is not bad if you make a Bengali master into physics, a physics master into biology, a management master into an English scholar, etc. All sirs are all rounders. It feels good to think. For no reason B.C.S. What is the need of this education cadre? B.C.S. When circulars are issued in Education Cadre, qualifications for recruitment of teachers in Physics, Chemistry, Life Science, Mathematics, English, Finance, Management, History, Philosophy etc. Why? Because their knowledge about these matters is definitely more than others. So why is not a graduate/post graduate degree in the subject related to information and communication technology? Or it is thought that it is possible to take the exam in any way. It is up to us to give students A+. Well, if there is no teacher, then who will look at the notebook? Hey, you just have to see it. Do you have to be a great scholar to give marks in the book? Will give a number between 70-90.

Suppose the 2015 H.S.C. The result of the examination has been published, this time my question to the education minister is, how can the 2015 H.S.C. Did the candidates pass the information and communication technology test? How did you get so many A+? Who prepares the question paper even though there is no graduate/post graduate manpower in this subject? Even though there is no teacher, who looked at the account? How can a subject be included in the curriculum without qualified teachers? Why Ministry of Education B.P.Sc. Did not highlight the need for teachers? etc. etc.

Although there are no teachers in colleges, many universities have experienced teachers in information and communication technology. If they include questions from this subject in the admission test, there will be no interference from the Ministry of Education. They will ask questions exactly on the admission test standard. Won't the pass rate in the admission test be poor again?

Will the Minister of Education have to sing his own and the government's vindication? I would request him to prepare logical answers to these questions in advance, otherwise he will not be able to blame me if he comes across as an 'educated fool' again. Then I can say that, "There is no room to expect that the minister of education will speak like an educated person." An educated person and a wise person are not the same thing. It is a blessing when a wise person is entrusted with the education of a whole nation.”

If the education system is correct, the quality of education automatically improves. And if there is a problem in the education system, then the quality of education has to be improved by holding hands or shouting.

Written by Shafi Ahmed.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৬, ২০১৫ 9:39 pm

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