Categories: entertainment

Artist Naureen is married

The Dhaka Times Desk Artist Naureen is married. Husband friend Rezwan. Singer Naureen met Rezwan when she was studying BBA at Dhaka City College.

Artist Naureen is married. Singer Naureen met Rezwan while studying BBA at Dhaka City College. And since then they are friends. 8 years have passed in between. During this time, the friendship between the two became more intense. But neither of them thought that they would get married someday. Both Naureen and Rezwan were busy with their careers. But suddenly Naureen agreed to his friend's proposal and accepted his friend as a bridegroom.

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They exchanged rings four months ago. Yesterday, Friday morning, Naureen and Rezwan completed the wedding ceremony. The marriage ceremony was performed at Naureen's Mirpur residence in the presence of close relatives of both the families.

Nowreen's groom Rezwan Ahmed Siddiqui is currently working in a multinational company in Dhaka. A reception after their marriage was organized at the Rawa Convention Center in Dhaka's Mohakhali on Friday evening. Apart from relatives of both families, many showbiz personalities were present at the event.

It should be noted that Naureen is one of the contestants of the first season of the 'Closeup One Tobei Chojchache Bangladesh' competition. So far he has released two solo albums Krishnachura (2007) and Chupisare (2015). These are Moreover, Sukanthi singer Naureen has also given voice to several mixed album and film songs.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৭, ২০১৫ 2:17 pm

Staff reporter

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