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Use of gadgets: save the lives of 70,000 mothers a year!

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of gadgets made by doctors will save the lives of 70,000 mothers a year. Doctors from different hospitals in Britain have developed a gadget that will help in solving complications during childbirth.

mother save

Around the world, the cases of mothers losing their lives due to various complications during childbirth are increasing day by day. Especially excessive bleeding or blood pressure is one of the causes of maternal death. At least 300,000 mothers still die in childbirth every year in developing countries. In such a context, doctors from different hospitals in Britain have developed a gadget that will help in solving complications in childbirth.

This device will measure and warn in advance whether a mother will go into a dangerous situation due to excessive bleeding during childbirth. The gadget is said to have been developed for hospitals in remote areas of African countries such as India and Pakistan.

It is hoped that health workers in areas where access to health care is particularly difficult for the mother to give birth will be able to provide more accurate maternal care using such gadgets. This gadget will alert you if the blood pressure of the pregnant woman is too high. That is why it will be possible to take the pregnant woman to the hospital and give proper treatment.

Scientists have named the device the Microlife Vital Signs Alert (VSA), media reports said. The price of the device is only 20 dollars. It is also very easy to use. It is reported that it can be kept active with the mobile phone charger.

Scientists say, 'Using this gadget it will be possible to reduce the maternal mortality rate by 25 percent. In other words, it is possible to save the lives of about 70,000 mothers a year through this.

It should be noted that the maternal mortality rate in Bangladesh is high. In this case, it is believed that it can be used in Bangladesh to reduce the maternal mortality rate.

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