The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING NEWS: The strike is relaxed for the victory procession in the quarter-finals of the World Cup!

The Dhaka Times Desk The 20-party alliance led by the BNP has relaxed its strike for the victory procession as the Bangladesh cricket team reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup for the first time.


The BNP-led 20-party alliance called off the strike for the victory procession as the Bangladesh cricket team reached the quarter-finals of the World Cup for the first time. BNP has announced that they will hold a victory march tomorrow on Tuesday. Therefore, the pre-announced hartal program from 6 am to 6 pm has been withdrawn. However, the blockade program will continue and the hartal will continue from evening till 6 am on Friday. BNP Standing Committee member Nazrul Islam Khan announced this program in a statement sent to the media at night.

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