Categories: Science-invention

Smartphone: can make the brain 'lazy'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphones can make people's brains lazy. Researchers have expressed such fears. People do not want to worry about anything because the work is done at the touch of a finger.

People do not want to worry about anything because the work is done at the touch of a finger. And so this smartphone is gradually making people's brains lazy. Researchers say that excessive use of smartphones is making people's brains lazy. Researchers claim that where work is done with a touch of a finger, people do not want to worry about anything.

Researchers say that smartphone users are losing their ability to make decisions on their own. They are becoming dependent on smartphones for decision making. In this way, a person's own thinking ability is decreasing. People are becoming dependent on smartphones and search engines for information in every task, every moment.

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According to media reports, Professor Gordon Pennycook of the Department of Psychology at the University of Waterloo recently researched this issue and said, 'Now they look for all the information that they actually know in search engines. Or they can remember if they try a little, but they don't want or don't even bother to think about it. This is how smartphones are making people's brains lazy.'

Researchers conducted three studies on 660 people. At this time, the researchers also tested their analytical ability, speaking pattern and calculation ability. Then the smartphone usage habits are analyzed.

Researchers believe that when intelligent people think about a solution to a problem, they analyze the problem more than they think about the solution. And as a result, they think about the problem first and think about the solution later. That's why they come up with various solutions. They choose the best solution from these solutions.

The researchers found, 'Among the participants who used smartphones relatively less, they were actually better at solving problems with their heads. In many cases they did not take any help from search engines.'

However, researchers now confirm that smartphone use is reducing people's thinking power. They think that more research is needed on the subject. The researchers also say, 'There is nothing wrong with taking the help of smartphones to solve problems, but the relationship should not be such that they are immobilized without smartphones.' Experts believe that users should be careful about this.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১০, ২০১৫ 10:03 pm

Staff reporter

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