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IS killed the Israeli teenager calling him a spy!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Islamic State IS killed an Israeli teenager calling him a spy. They released the video of killing that teenager.

ISO & killed boy

The Islamic State ISIS has released a video of the killing of an Israeli Arab teenager named Muhammad Musallam, accused of spying for the Israeli intelligence agency. IS released this video on its online media outlet 'Furqan' on Tuesday.

It said that Musallam had signed up with the jihadist group IS to work as a spy for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

The 13-minute video shows Musallam, 19, in an orange jumpsuit, sitting in a room describing how he was recruited and trained by the Mossad, media outlets said. Musallam said that his father and elder brother encouraged him in this work.

When Musallam finished speaking he was escorted to an open field where a boy shot him in the head. A French-speaking IS member identified the boy as a 'son of the caliphate'. The member read the sentence to Musallam in French while he (Musallam) was kneeling on the ground. After the punishment was read out, the pistol-carrying boy dressed in military uniform came facing Musallam and shot him in the forehead. After Musallam fell, the boy aimed at him and fired at least 3 more shots shouting 'Allahu Akbar'.

IS supporters also posted the video on Twitter. The news media said that it was not possible to immediately verify the authenticity of this video. Israeli security officials also said they had seen the video, but were not sure if it was genuine.

It should be noted that in February, an interview with Musallam was also published in IS's English language magazine 'Dabiq'. What Musallam said in that interview, he said exactly the same in the published video. Musallam said he joined in order to report to Israel on IS arsenals, bases and Palestinian members of the group. Musallam went to Syria to fight for IS in October 2014.

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