Categories: international news

A terrible tree Manchinella 'Beach Apple': blisters fall off at the touch!

The Dhaka Times Desk A terrifying tree shadow has been found. This tree is Manchinella 'Beach Apple'. The sap of this plant is so dangerous that it causes blisters just by touching it.

News about this terrible tree has spread in the international media. This tree is Manchinella 'Beach Apple'. The sap of this plant is so dangerous that it causes blisters just by touching it. Its power cannot be seen with the eyes. If you touch the sap of this plant, the blisters will fall immediately. It does not end here. This plant has more terrible side effects.

The most surprising thing is that the tree looks very handsome. But there is a cruelty hidden in this beautiful form. The manchinella (Hippomane mancinella) or beach apple of the Caribbean islands near the Gulf of Mexico is especially known. 'Beach Apple' or 'Death Apple' is slightly sweet to eat and its aroma also stimulates the appetite.

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According to media reports, the branches, leaves and even fruits of this plant contain a kind of poisonous juice. Which causes blisters as soon as it touches the skin. Anyone can become blind if they see it. It is forbidden to take shelter under this tree even on rainy days. This is because the juice of this tree mixed with rain water can stick to the body.

And if one bites any part of this plant, it can burn from the mouth to the stomach. If one uses the wood of this tree as fuel, the smoke produced will also blind the person.

জানা গেছে, মানবদেহের জন্য মারাত্নক ক্ষতিকর এই গাছ হতে যে কাঠ উৎপন্ন হয় তা দিয়ে শুধুমাত্র আসবাবপত্র তৈরি করা সম্ভব। এছাড়া প্রাচীনকালে শিকারিরা এই গাছের রস বিষ হিসেবে তীরের ফলায় ব্যবহার করতো- এমন কথাও প্রচলন রয়েছে। তাইতো গিনেস ওয়ার্ল্ড রেকর্ডে দেওয়া ‘সবচাইতে বিপদজনক গাছ’ এর তকমা লাগিয়েছে এই ভয়ংকর গাছটি।

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২২ 3:54 pm

Staff reporter

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