The Dhaka Times
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Padma bridge!

Dhaka Times Report. Padma bridge will happen - After several comments of the current government's communications minister, Obaidul Quader recently said that Bangladesh will sign a memorandum of understanding with Malaysia on the construction of the Padma bridge on February 21. He informed the reporters that the interest rate of the loan and other issues will be finalized through discussion, although this issue was not discussed in detail. The minister said this while talking to reporters at the Roads and Public Ways Department office in the capital on the morning of February 5. পদ্মা সেতু হচ্ছে! 1
The World Bank suspended funding for the Padma Bridge project due to allegations of corruption. In response to this, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recently said that money will not be taken from the World Bank for the Padma Bridge project if they cannot provide evidence of corruption. In this context, it is said by the government that the Padma Bridge will be constructed under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) agreement. Accordingly, the Bangladesh government accepted the technical and financial proposal made by Malaysia last week regarding the Padma Bridge.
Note that the length of Padma Bridge will be 6.15 km. Malaysia is likely to pay 660 million ringgit for the construction of the bridge.

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