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The primary scholarship result will be declared on Sunday

The Dhaka Times Desk The primary scholarship result will be published next Sunday. The list of names of those who are getting scholarships this year in the final examination of primary education will be published on this day.

Primary Scholarship Result

The primary scholarship result will be published next Sunday. The list of names of those who are getting scholarships this year in the final examination of primary education will be published on this day. Primary and Mass Education Minister Mostafizur Rahman Fizar will release this list by holding a press conference at the Secretariat on Sunday, said Director General of the Directorate of Primary Education Md Alamgir.

To know scholarship result on mobile, write DPE with space, write police station code with space, write roll number with space, write pass year with space and send to 16222. This result will be available in return SMS only.

Previously, the scholarship was given to fifth class students through separate examination, but since 2009, the scholarship is being given on the basis of the results of the preliminary final examination.

Last year, 54,412 students received scholarships at the primary level. Out of this, 21 thousand 978 people were given merit scholarship (tenant pool) and 32 thousand 434 people were given scholarship in general grade. According to the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, scholarships will be given to about 55,000 students this year.

Note that 26 lakh 83 thousand 781 students participated in the last preliminary final examination. Out of which 26 lakh 28 thousand 83 passed. 2 lakh 24 thousand 411 people got GPA-5.

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