The Dhaka Times
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The penalty for overworking: 30 days in jail! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk What do we do to avoid work? We are addicted to going to the office late and wasting time otherwise than working. But a Georgia worker got 30 days in jail for overwork.

Garbage worker sent to jail

What do we do to avoid work? We are addicted to going to the office late and wasting time otherwise than working. But a Georgia worker got 30 days in jail for overwork. The Georgia cleaner was sentenced to 30 days in jail for starting work early.

The man's name is Kevin McGill. The 48-year-old man cleans garbage in the city. He was directed to clean the garbage from 7 pm to 7 am. The reason is that most of the city dwellers stay indoors at that time.

But the scavenger McGill started cleaning the garbage 2 hours before the scheduled time that day. And the court found him guilty of this crime. As a relief, he was sent to jail for 30 days. References:

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